Involvement of nuclear factor κB and descending pain pathways in the anti-hyperalgesic effect of β-citronellol, a food ingredient, complexed in β-cyclodextrin in a model of complex regional pain syndrome – Type 1
Food Chem Toxicol
Priscila L Santos 1, Thallita K Rabelo 1, João P S C F Matos 2, Klécia S Anjos 2, Marlange A O Melo 1, Yasmim M B G Carvalho 3, Bruno S Lima 3, Paula P Menezes 3, Adriano A S Araújo 4, Laurent Picot 5, Jackson R G S Almeida 6, Renan G Brito 7, Lucindo J Quintans-Júnior 8
DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2021.112260
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