Cyclodextrins Papers 2020. May. 14.

Quantifying the hygroscopic properties of cyclodextrin containing aerosol for drug delivery to the lungs.

Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2020 May 14;:

Authors: Day CPF, Miloserdov A, Wildish-Jones K, Pearson E, Carruthers AE

DOI: 10.1039/D0CP01385D

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WhoC. P. F. Day, A. Miloserdov, K. Wildish-Jones, E. Pearson and A. E. Carruthers
When6th May 2020
WhatQuantifying the hygroscopic properties of macrocycle (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-cyclodextrin (2-HP-β-CD) containing aerosol for drug delivery to the lungs
WhyAerosol dynamics is important to quantify in drug delivery to the lungs with the aim of delivering therapeutics to a target location and optimising drug efficacy.
The 2-HP-β-CD is thought to alleviate symptoms associated with neurodegenerative diseases when inhaled but the hygroscopic response is not well understood.
HowThe hygroscopic growth of individual aqueous aerosol containing 2-HP-β-CD in optical tweezers through analysis of morphology-dependent resonances arising in Raman spectra.


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