Solar Cells Papers 2020. Mar. 4.

Unveiling the relationship between the perovskite precursor solution and the resulting device performance.

J Am Chem Soc. 2020 Mar 04;:

Authors: Kim J, Park BW, Baek J, Yun JS, Kwon HW, Seidel J, Min H, Coelho S, Lim S, Huang S, Gaus K, Green MA, Shin TJ, Ho-Baillie AWY, Kim MG, Seok SI

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c00411

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Who Kim J, Park BW, Baek J, Yun JS, Kwon HW, Seidel J, Min H, Coelho S, Lim S, Huang S, Gaus K, Green MA, Shin TJ, Ho-Baillie AWY, Kim MG, Seok SI
When 2020 Mar 04.
Where J Am Chem Soc.  ; Korea
WhatTo understand the characteristics of the perovskite precursor solution to achieve high performance and reproducibility.
WhyFor the fabrication of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) using a solution process …。
How・UV–visible absorption, dynamic light scattering, photoluminescence, and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy techniques.



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